Saturday, January 4, 2014


The following is an episode of Somerset also posted at Soap TV. Follow us on Twitter (@tweetsoaptv) or visit us online at

Original airdate: August 8, 2008
Written by: Steve Ungrey


FADE IN -- Petterino household

It is early evening in Somerset as the last episode of the fourth week opens up.

Annabella is at the kitchen table, looking at herself in a compact mirror as we hear a knock on the door. Annabella rises from the chair and opens the door to find Scott standing there.

Evening, my dear.

Annabella hugs Scott tightly and kisses him on the cheek.

Buongiorno, my dear. You’re early! Come on in and have a seat. Just checking myself out in the mirror.

Now I find that hard to believe.

Annabella has her powder puff out when she looks at Scott a little crazily.

What do you find hard to believe?

That a model would need to check her face before going out…

Annabella laughs and raises a finger of caution at Scott.

Uh uh, Scott. Don’t even go there… you know I’m a model overseas but here I’m just Annabella Petterino, Rose and Giovanni’s daughter.

Scott feigns shock.

Oh sorry! I plumb forgot my manners.

I’ll just bet you did. I’ll give you a heads up that my pool skills might be a little rusty. I haven’t had much of a chance to play lately.

Don’t tell me they don’t have pool tables over in Venice.

They do, but when you’re on shoots like mine the first thing you want to do is go back to the hotel and crash.

Well, remember. Here you’re Annabella, Giovanni’s daughter.

Quite right.

She snaps her compact shut, places it in her purse and smiles.

By the way, we might run into Victoria this evening.

Really? Is she out with her friends?

A few nurses – Taylor, Alana, and a couple others – decided to have another girls’ night out since they had so much fun the other time.

It seems they were just out last night, weren’t they? Ah, to be young once.

Speak for yourself. (Flips her hair back) I’ve still got it.

Scott laughs hysterically.

You’re damn right you do. Whatever that is.

Scott and Annabella share a warm smile as they reconnect their friendship. The picture fades to black.

We see an overhead shot of downtown, with the camera slowly pulling away from the buildings. The Somerset logo pops on the screen and goes into position at the center.

This… is Somerset.

The first part of Somerset is presented today by the new Swiffer sweeper, the floor cleaner that reaches places other household cleaners can’t touch.



FADE IN -- Petterino house

The scene briefly switches back to the Petterino kitchen, as Scott and Annabella are chatting for a bit before heading out.

We could have invited Tori along with us.

I told her to stop on in, but she wanted to give us privacy. I don’t know why.

Imagine that. (Rolls eyes) Let’s go, shall we?

Scott puts a hand on Annabella’s shoulder and gently guides her toward the door; we briefly cut to Scott’s car, where the two continue their conversation.

I got a big surprise today. I found out my sister has huge issues with her self-esteem and how she looks.

I’ve noticed it too, Annabella. But Rose thinks it’s nothing major. She thinks that Tori’s spent so much time at the hospital that she doesn’t know how to react if a guy is interested in her.

Well, duh! Get a name, get a number, and call! Right? Besides, it isn't as if my sister hasn't dated before. She's just been so hung up on completing the nursing program...

Well, maybe. (Pauses) Guess it depends on who it is. (Starts car) Let’s go. I got a game of pool to win.

You just hope you win… (Laughs)

Light music plays as Annabella and Scott drive off.

DISSOLVE TO -- Martin Enterprises

Susannah is looking at a file folder and doing a bit of research online about one of Jack’s businesses, but she is interrupted by a knock on the door from Joanne.

What are you still doing here? It’s quitting time, Susannah.

Hey, Joanne, what’s going on? (Shuts file) You’re right, this file can wait.

You’re damn straight. A couple of us wondered if we could take Martin Enterprises’ newest employee out for a drink. Did you want to come?

Susannah doesn’t need any time to think it over.

Sure! I could use a break from the humdrum life I’ve had lately. Let me close this file (phone buzzes) and take this quick call.

Did you want me to get this?

Naa, it’s my cell. I bet I know who it is.

Susannah answers the phone.

Good evening, Susannah Lucas?

The caller is Sam on the other end of the line, calling from Oklahoma City. Sam is in his office finishing up paperwork on a case. He turns to face the window.

How’s my favorite attorney daughter on her first day at Martin?

Hi, Daddy!

Joanne motions she’s headed outside.

Don’t worry. We’ll be outside waiting. Take your time, we’re not in a hurry.

Susannah gives a thumbs up and smile to Joanne and then turns back to the phone.

Checking up on me or something?

Not at all, Susie. Just wondering how your first day as a gainfully employed attorney in Somerset went.

It was fine. Jack’s got me working on a couple details involving his Project X… he still hasn’t filled me in on what the hell’s going on, though… oh, and Patrick stopped by as I was getting ready this morning.

Awfully nice of Patrick to do that.

Yeah. I made him help me pick out what to wear today. I think I embarrassed the heck out of him. He and I had a quick breakfast before I came to the office.

Sounds like you’re having fun. Lahoma sends her best wishes.

Tell Mom I’ll e-mail her tonight. Patrick took a phone picture of me dressed for my first day at work and I think she’ll get a kick out of me.

She’ll like that, I’m sure. Did I catch you at a bad time?

No, not at all! I was just about to go out with Joanne and a couple of her friends for drinks.

Making fast friends at the office already. Hey, don’t let me stop you… I just wanted to call and say hi and see how things went.

I appreciate the thought. Tell Mom hi, and if I don’t talk to you later tonight I’ll be sure to call in the morning.

Thank ya, hon. Love you.

I love you too, Dad.

As she hangs up, light music plays and Susannah grabs her purse and shuts out the lights, waiting to join Joanne and her friends. The picture fades to black.

We’ll return to Somerset in just a moment.


(We see “The Children of Salem” title card)

Like sands through the hourglass… so are the days of our lives of the younger residents of Salem. New this fall... The Children of Salem. Weekdays.

(We see “Somerset” title card with mid-show music)

The second half of Somerset is presented today by Era Plus, the detergent with the power of protein to get out all of your tough stains.

We'll return to Somerset following station identification.



FADE IN -- The Riverboat Club

We see The Riverboat Club, a restored Mississippi River-style paddlewheeler moored in the St. Charles River that has been turned into a restaurant.

We dissolve inside the club, where Alana, Taylor, Victoria and a couple other nurses are sitting around a large table with two pitchers of beer in the center.

Great idea you guys had to go out again tonight.

Yeah… only let’s not make it back-to-back nights in the future, OK? Some of us had to work and missed out before.

Is it my fault you were watching a patient closely?

(Laughing) Careful, Taylor… that’s still a sore spot with Alana.

Alana sips from her drink and looks at Victoria.

It’s not a sore spot! (Pause) Nick and I have become better friends as of late. We’ve gotten over the awkward stage we were in following our breakup.

That’s good. (Looks at the bar) Because your other friend just walked in.

Alana turns to notice Mike at the bar. Mike doesn’t see Alana, but she gets up. Checking her face, Alana dabs on a little lipstick.

Ladies… I will be right back.

Taylor turns, warily eyeing Victoria.

I wonder if Mike knows what’s about to hit him.

Alana goes over with her beer glass to the bar and taps Mike on the shoulder.

Hey you…

(Turns) Hi!

Obviously he is very glad to see Alana and he reaches out, draws Alana close, and gives her a quick kiss. It’s an awkward moment, and the two look at each other a bit strange afterwards.

Cutting back to the main table, Victoria has a drink set down in front of her by the waitress, causing her to become a bit confused.

(Turns to waitress) I’m sorry, miss… I didn’t order this.

I know. It’s courtesy of the gentleman at the bar.

Victoria turns to see Zachary sitting there, smiling and waving. She turns back and has a devilish grin on her face. We hear the music in the bar playing as we change scenes.

CUT TO -- Bernard’s

Scott and Annabella are sharing a game of pool in the back room of Bernard’s. Annabella has just finished putting the 8-ball away, much to Scott’s chagrin, and she celebrates with a drink from her beer glass.

Uh, who was it that said they were a little rusty at pool?

Well… I thought I was.

The way you’re playing, you could have beat Jackie Gleason at this game if he were still alive. You hustler. That’s four games in a row you’ve won!

Oh, so you’re implying I’m a con artist?

Yes. A damn good looking con artist.

Annabella blushes slightly and reaches over, giving Scott a quick kiss.


It’s nice to see someone captured your heart in Italy. Will we ever get to meet this guy when he comes to Somerset?

Well, it was kind of a whirlwind romance. He’s back here in the states now and he said he’d look me up when he had a chance.

You can wait that long?

I’ll try. It won’t be easy. But I’ll try.

Hey, that’s what you’ve got friends like me for, isn’t it?

I like being with you because you don’t ask questions. You’re not an inquisitive person away from the police station.

Scott sits with Annabella at the high-top table by the pool area, drinks from his beer and gets a little misty-eyed.

Don’t tell me I make you cry when I beat you four times in a row.

Naa. It’s not that. I just remember when you were a teenager helping out with the don’t talk to strangers program that the Somerset Police sponsored. I got to be good friends with your family. Julia and I loved the company.

I know. (Gets a little misty-eyed herself) I still miss your wife a lot.

Well, you were there for me after Julia passed away, and I’ll never forget that.

Do you think about her often?

Every time I hear about a car accident in Somerset.

It’s okay, you can tell me. (Pauses and thinks) I guess that’s why you got on my case last night about driving so quickly to get to Grant’s Preserve.

I didn’t know that was you. I’d never seen that car.

I fined myself $500 for speeding. I sent a check off to the Red Cross this morning. I’ve got the receipt to prove it.

I’d have fined you less.

I’d have refused. I want to do some good things with the money I earned over in Italy. There’s more where that came from, I tell myself.

Scott smiles, and Annabella also smiles as she grabs the pool stick for another game.

You up for another?

Annabella blows on the top of the pool stick like a gun.

Maybe this time I’ll let you win.

You’re on.

The two begin another game of pool as the picture fades to black.

We’ll return to Somerset in just a moment.



FADE IN -- Riverboat Club

We’re back at the main bar, as Mike pulls away from Alana. He even feels a bit awkward.

Wagner, you had a few too many already?

Hey, you can throw that beer in my face if you want. I’m sorry. I’m just giddy.

Really? (Puts beer down) I’ll spare you the shower then. What’s got you so giddy?

Meet Mike Wagner, the newest investigative reporter at The Register. I got promoted this afternoon.

Alana’s eyes widen and she takes Mike’s face in her hands.

Oh my God! That’s wonderful! In that case…

Alana reaches in and plants a kiss of her own on Mike’s lips. We see Taylor’s mouth open, looking a little shocked as Victoria giggles.

Unfortunately, bud, that’s the last kiss you’re getting from me tonight because I’m out with the girls. But I will buy you a cold one if you’d like.

I accept.

For the first time, we see Mike with his hand around Alana’s back. Usually she pulls away from stuff like this, but this time she really isn’t resisting being by his side.

CUT TO -- Susannah’s house

Susannah has pulled up after going out with Joanne for a couple drinks, and she swings her legs out to the driveway to get out of the car. She is on the phone with Joanne.

Yes, Joanne. I got home safely. We’ll have to do this again very soon, maybe make a night of it with some of the other employees. (Pauses) OK, have a good night! See ya at the office tomorrow.

Susannah walks up the sidewalk and kneels to pick up the Register. She notices the newspaper sticking out of the corner.

Now why would a paperboy bury the paper under the floor mat like that?

She picks up the paper, without noticing the contents, and unlocks the door to go inside.

Susannah puts the papers on the kitchen counter and turns on the lights, taking off her suit jacket. She sees the Register on the top.

Almost feels like I got two papers. Wonder what’s good in the news today?

The light music gives way to a funeral-style piano dirge as Susannah picks up the Register… and she sees an old copy of the Kansas City Star underneath.

Gasping, she puts the paper down.

We see Susannah looking frightened. The camera cuts down to her chest, as we see her with both hands on her chest. We hear a fast, generic heart beating as Susannah has a terrified look on her face.

No… no… it can’t be.

It’s obvious what is in that paper has given Susannah some sort of anxiety attack. Looking down, she sees her hands trembling.

Quickly reaching into the refrigerator, she grabs a bottled water and slugs it down to calm her fragile nerves. We hear the heart slow down and she becomes calmer.

Susie... no. You're safe here. And anyway... no one can hurt you.

Susannah still looks frightened as the piano music continues. The picture immediately cuts to black.


Fade in on the closing credits for Somerset as the theme plays.

This... was Somerset.

Women’s suits by Ann Taylor.
Jewelry by Irwin Pearl.

(We see “Harpers Falls” title card)

Stay tuned for romance, suspense and drama. On Harpers Falls, which follows immediately over most of these same stations.

(We see "Somerset" title card)

Join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset.

This program was recorded.

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