Sunday, July 21, 2013


Written by: Steve Ungrey
Original airdate Wednesday July 23, 2008


FADE IN -- Susannah’s house

We see a morning scene outside establishing that this is Grant’s Preserve before we fade inside to see Sam and Lahoma bringing a couple of suitcases to the doorway. They are on their way back to Oklahoma City.

Susannah knows this moment is coming, but she’s totally unprepared for it.

(Fighting back tears)
God, I’m going to miss you guys. Before we were always in the same city, even if we weren’t under one roof.


Lahoma sniffles herself and laughs a bit as she hugs Susannah.

You’re the one who decided she just had to go back to Somerset!

Mother, you’re not making it any easier on me.

Susie, you sure you’re going to be okay here? I mean, the trauma surrounding the accident last night and everything…

It wasn’t that bad. And I can handle George Cleypool and whatever he chooses to throw at me. (Laughs) Provided it isn’t anything bad.

Well, you just call if you need an ear to bend, would you?

Or e-mail. Your mom forgets there are other much quicker ways to stay in touch.

(Playfully teases Sam)
You do forget I’ve used computers before, dear. And Sam, if I didn’t know any better I'd swear you were trying to cut the cord.

No, dear. Just acknowledging the fact Susie’s more than ready to stand on her own two feet. She’s been ready. It’s just that…

Mom, Dad. I can take care of myself. And besides, Jack's pledged to keep an eye on me. He’s going to let you guys know if anything major happens.

Speaking of which, have you decided on Jack's job offer?

Susannah shakes her head, but she’s a bit confused at the same time.

I haven't decided completely, but I'm leaning toward saying yes.

She checks her watch.

You guys better get going if you want to get back to Oklahoma City. Your flight's in how many hours?

Later this afternoon out of Chicago. Sam will be back in court tomorrow.

Lahoma dear, they can even start that case without me. I've got good associate help.

All right. If you need some advice, Dad, you know where to turn.

She gets a bit misty-eyed again.

You guys...

Susannah hugs both of her parents.

I'm going to miss having you here.

We're a phone call away.

(Winks as he picks up the suitcases)
Or an IM.

Sam disappears out the door.

You and your technology.

We see an outside shot of Sam and Lahoma at the car, waving goodbye to Susannah. She waves goodbye back as the car pulls down the street.

Susannah puts a hand to her mouth and then to her eyes, wiping the tears away. Susannah shuts the door.

(Looking around)
Hello, life as a single gal.

She goes toward the phone to dial Martin Enterprises, but before she can pick up the phone there is a knock at the door.

(Runs back to door and opens it)
Did you guys forget something?

Patrick peeks out from behind the flowers.

No, but it looks like my housewarming gift is only going to be seen by one person instead of three.

Susannah smiles as the sees the flowers, with accompanying light music taking us to the break. The picture fades to black.

The theme begins as we see an overhead shot of downtown as the camera is pulling away. The Somerset logo pops into position and goes toward the center of the screen.

This… is Somerset.

This portion brought to you today by the cosmetics of easy, breezy, beautiful Cover Girl.



FADE IN -- Somerset Hospital

At Somerset Hospital, we see Victoria starting her shift for the day and she is at the front desk checking charts. She's speaking with another nurse, Taylor Kendrick, about her ice cream social with Alana the night before.

It was the least I could do.

Hey, you've got the right idea. If you can't get ahead in your job then (laughing) bribe the head nurse.

It wasn't a bribe, honest! Alana's like family to the Petterinos and she's always said she's a bit lonely when she goes home at night.

I know, I know. We've taken turns inviting Alana places. Men have bought her drinks. She appreciates the attention but I don't know if she's ready to move on yet.

Well, I know one guy who would like to take her mind off of work. (Smiles) What's going on so far? Is it going to be a rough day at the Skeleton Hotel, as Patrick calls it?

Well, that room over there…

Taylor points toward the corner.

The patient in there is being discharged today if everything works out. Might want to give him a once-over.

On my way.

Music plays as Victoria takes her equipment and a clipboard and heads toward the door. The scene changes.

DISSOLVE TO -- Martin Enterprises

Joanne, Jack's assistant, is sitting at her large front desk when the phone rings, jarring her from her work on the computer keyboard. She grabs her headphones and punches the front button.

Martin Enterprises, Joanne speaking?

CUT TO -- Sam’s car

Morning, Joanne. Sam Lucas. Is Jack around?

I wish I could say yes, but he had to go over to Johnson City this morning for a meeting on some property he owns. He’ll be back later today.

Oh, shoot. He told us his schedule can get a little crazy.

And I’m the one that’s here to clean it up a lot of times.

Tell ya what… do you have Jack’s cell phone?

He probably won’t answer it until his meeting is done, but I can give it to you.

(Memorizes number) OK, Joanne. Thanks, and tell Jack hello. Tell him not to work you too hard, either.

From your mouth to his ear. Have a good day.

You too, thanks.

Lahoma comes back to the car with two cups of coffee as Sam writes down Jack’s number. Sam starts the car and the two take off again.

Did you get a hold of Jack yet?

No, Joanne said he was over in Johnson City. That man has come a long way from the junior executive I knew.

You look so proud.

Well, I DID mentor him. It was one of the few things I did right when I was with Delaney Brands.

Are you amazed at how far he’s gone?

And how far he has to go. I told Susie to keep me in touch about this mysterious project of his. I think it sounds very intriguing.

Sam notices Lahoma is still a bit misty-eyed in the other car seat.

Aw for pete’s sake… Lahoma, do you think we should move back to Somerset?

No no, honey. I’m just used to having Susie be in the same city as we are.

You forget, for a few years she lived away from Oklahoma City.

No, I didn’t forget. I just didn’t think it would turn out like it did.

Well, she came back to Oklahoma City for several years and now she’s expressed a desire to go back out on her own. I can’t blame her for that.

Well… I guess we’ll have to let her go and watch her spread her wings, then.

We shall. Now let’s drink our coffee and rev our engines up to get back to Oklahoma. The busier we stay…

The more we can let Susannah get off to her fresh start.

Sam and Lahoma smile as they drive along, with light music guiding us into the fade out. The picture fades to black.

We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.


(We see “From These Roots” title card)

"From these roots grow branch, leaf, and flower, children of the sheltering earth, ripening into the tumult of the seasons--generation unto generation." One of daytime’s most cherished dramas is back. From These Roots, part of the Daytime Royalty lineup. Weekdays.

(We see “Somerset” title card and hear a soft version of the theme)

And now, following station identification, we’ll return with the second half of Somerset.

This portion is presented by Camay, the soap that feels like you’re washing your face in cold cream. Available in scented and unscented.



FADE IN -- Somerset Hospital

The action is a direct pickup from Scene 1, as Victoria opens the door and sees a patient sleeping. The patient is Zachary Cleypool, and he awakens upon seeing a nurse come into the room.

Thank God, does this mean I'm getting out of here?

Victoria hooks up Zachary to a blood pressure cuff.

One second and I’ll find out.

Wait, wait. Why are you checking me out there? I feel fine.

Standard operating procedure… (scans chart) Mr. Cleypool. You may feel fine, but I'm the authority where that's concerned.

Since when? (Catches what he said) Never mind. I trust you. Fire away.

Now just be still. (Takes off the cuff) Normal there, that’s good. Have you had any discomfort or pain since the accident last night? What happened anyway?

Oh, it was nothing. I was riding my motorcycle into Somerset to meet some friends and I had to swerve because I was in the way of a car.

No pain in your extremities?

Just a couple bumps and scrapes. Wanna check those out?

Love to, but that’s not my job. I have to have an attending do that. Let me hand off this chart to the attending and you'll probably get sprung here in the next hour.

Good. No offense, but I'll take my home over Somerset Hospital any day now.

I understand completely. Think of how I feel having to be here every day...

Yes. But you're getting paid for it.

Victoria smiles as she grabs the clipboard.

So true. So true…

Zachary is sitting up in bed and looking a little impatient about when he wants to leave as the scene changes with accompanying music.

DISSOLVE TO -- Susannah’s home

Susannah is setting the flowers Patrick brought on the dining room table, making the perfect centerpiece for whenever she decides to have her first meal at home.

I'll have to tell Mom and Dad you stopped by. You just missed them.

Susannah looks up, smiles to herself and then turns to look at Patrick.

Or did you plan it that way?

Hey now, Susie. No ideas there. I intended to come over to bid your parents farewell and wish them a good trip back to Oklahoma, but I must have been a bit late.

No problem. (Goes toward the refrigerator) Want something to drink?

Got any cold pop?

I think so. I did some shopping for the basics yesterday before we met Jack for dinner.

Susannah checks the refrigerator.

And pop was one of them. Catch.

Susannah fires a can over in Patrick’s direction, surprising him. He drops the can because he wasn’t expecting it this quickly.

I guess I'll have to wait until the fizz disappears inside. I didn't know you had a rocket arm like that.

I wasn't all books and nerdy-looking sunglasses in school. Which you wouldn't have known because you went to school in Arizona.

Now what does that have to do with your law career? You forget I saw you when you were a teenager...

Ace pitcher, Bailey Grove High School Red Devils of Oklahoma City. We won the state title in my junior year, remember?

Ah, yes. You talked about playing softball the few times we got together as families.

And the couple times we went out by ourselves, I might add.

I might have to recruit you for the hospital's ball team.

And what makes you think I'd play?

It’s called networking. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.

You sound like Jack Martin. He uses that word a lot.

Yes. Now that you’ve met the great, the powerful, Wizard of Somerset, you’ll be speaking all that is good and grand about Jack Martin.

Not only met him, he offered me a job at Martin Enterprises in legal. He knew my corporate law background. Come to think of it, I don't know what the job will entail...

Well darn it. The hospital could have used an attorney like you.

Well, we'll be traveling in the same circles now, won't we?

I guess. Wait until I tell Mom and Dad who returned to Somerset.

You might be too late. Stanley was going to get in touch with Sam on a personal call and I'm sure that will be the first words out of Sam's mouth.

Well, then look out, Somerset. Susannah Lucas is here!

Susannah laughs as she takes a drink of pop and the picture fades to black over light music.

[i]We'll return to Somerset in just a moment. [/i]



FADE IN -- Somerset Hospital

At Somerset Hospital, Mike has stopped by to check in on Zachary's condition for a small story in the paper. He is at the desk talking to Victoria.

(Writing on notepad)
So there are no complications?

Well, I really can’t say anything specific like that due to privacy issues, but you didn't hear from me that he's doing okay. He'll be leaving later this morning.

Good. Another crisis averted for the Cleybank Corporation.

You'll have this in tomorrow, Mike?

Yes. Now obviously, if something changes, I'll check in with the hospital.

Mike digs in his pocket after he shuts off his recorder.

While I'm at it, though, I might as well combine business with personal. (Produces note) Can you give this to a certain female?

(Holds note to body)
Ooooo, I feel like I'm back in junior high school passing notes around the class. I'll make sure she gets this in her cubicle.

Thank you, my dear. I'll be at the office and I might check in later in the day.

Victoria smiles as she turns to the cubicles.

Okay, Mike. Have a good day.

You too.

Mike hops on the elevator as the doors close.

(Looks at note)
You don't know how lucky you are.

She puts the note in a cubicle. As she removes her hand, the camera catches the mailbox area and we see the note is meant for Alana. Soft, somewhat romantic music plays as we dissolve scenes.

DISSOLVE TO -- Zachary’s room

Zachary has gotten up and used the bathroom without any problem, but on the way back he bangs his left foot and ankle on the bedside.

Zachary grimaces at first, having banged himself pretty hard. He goes back toward the bed but we see his face contort in pain. He stumbles, falling down by the bed.

Zachary tries to get up, but he feels like a hot poker is pressing against his left foot and ankle. He notices it swelling.

God... (Grimaces) Now you've done it, Zachary Cleypool.

It is obvious Zachary has broken something or at the very least suffered a bigger injury than he already had. A dramatic piano background accompanies Zachary as he tries to stand and fails. The picture fades to black.


We see the credits of Somerset rolling.

This... was Somerset.

Nurses wear furnished by Nurse Mate. Blouses by Regina Porter.

Stay tuned for Harpers Falls, which follows immediately over most of these same stations.

And join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset.

This program was pre-recorded.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Original Airdate: Tuesday July 22, 2008
Written by: Steve Ungrey


FADE IN -- Somerset Hospital

A dramatic piano background shows off the tension in the highly charged first scene, which is a direct pickup from Monday’s broadcast. In the last scene Monday, George Cleypool had been talking with Sam and Lahoma before Susannah came out.

When George sees Susannah, he immediately comes over and goes one on one.

Are you the irresponsible fool who nearly killed my son?

Susannah appears momentarily shocked at George’s outburst, but she recovers her footing.

I drove the car, yes. But your son only has a few bumps and scratches... Dr. Kurtz said he’s going to be fine…

George comes in closer and gets right in Susannah’s face.

He could have been killed because of you!

Sam attempts to intervene.

Now wait one damn minute here…

(Turning to face Sam)
This doesn’t concern you!

Mr. Cleypool, that is enough. How can you stand there and make accusations like that?

(Momentarily flustered)
Acc… ACCUSATIONS? Did your daughter hit my son or not?

Susannah swerved to avoid something in the road.

Something? Oh, that’s just wonderful. You treat my son as if he’s some piece of trash or a paper cup lying in the road.

Had she not swerved, Mr. Cleypool, who knows what would have…

George whirls around to face Sam.

Don’t tell me you’re going to say who knows what would have happened. I know what would have happened.

He turns back toward Susannah as Jack steps off the elevator. Jack sees the commotion and can’t believe his eyes. For the moment he stays out of it.

This person who shouldn't be driving after having a few glasses of wine would have hit the motorcycle and killed Zachary. Why are you even driving??

Mr. Cleypool, your son is fine. He's...

(Raises his voice again and yells at Susannah)
No thanks to you! He's in a hospital bed because you didn't see him? DIDN'T SEE HIM?? How could you not see...

Jack decides he’s had enough. He comes into the waiting room area.

Well, well, George. I see you’re at it again.

What the hell are you doing here? Don’t tell me you know these people.

Well, golly George… I was going to say if you care to browbeat my friends, at least have the common decency to yell at a defenseless woman, wouldn’t you?

Jack gives George a sarcastic grin, and Susannah turns toward Jack.

Jack, I can take care of...

Susannah, there is no defense against someone like George Cleypool.

Jack approaches George, eyes narrowing. It is clear he and George definitely don’t like each other, much less being in each other’s company.

I believe you know your son is okay and that he swerved to avoid the car. Which was driving in a straight line and Susannah was not drunk. They were all fine and walking a straight line when I left the restaurant.

Wow, Jack. Plying your friends with a little booze and liquor. Is that the only way you can get support these days?

Jack smiles and begins laughing.

Oh no, no, no. George, I’m not falling for that routine. I suggest you save your voice for someone who really needs to hear it...

Patrick has come back from the exam area and sees the commotion, but he notices it is dying down so he intervenes.

Are you all about finished with your discussion, if that’s what they’re calling it these days?

(Turns to face Patrick)
Are you about finished with your smart-aleck remarks? I swear Stanley had more class than you did. Even if his brother was a common criminal.

Damn you… Mr. Cleypool, if you have any issues you need to take up…

Sam, don’t worry about it. I’m used to this. Your son is asking for you, by the way. He’s been awake and alert now for the last couple hours.

Thank you. (Points at Susannah) You have not heard the last from me. Count on that.

George exits the waiting area, leaving Susannah a bit shaken but none the worse for wear.

Man, Jack... what did you do to upset him so much?

To hear him talk, I destroyed this town.

Light music takes over for the piano background as the picture fades to black.

We see an overhead shot of downtown as the camera is pulling away. The Somerset logo pops into position and goes toward the center of the screen as the familiar theme plays.

This… is Somerset.

This portion brought to you today by Head and Shoulders. The shampoo that relieves problem dandruff and dry scalp for fresher, cleaner hair. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.[/i]


FADE IN -- Somerset Hospital

Jack and Patrick are making sure the Lucas family is all right as we resume the scene.

Is everyone all right?

Considering I just got examined by Patrick and told everything was okay, I think so. Although I’m beginning to think I need another checkup after this go-round.

I think you’ll be fine. Like I said, if you feel lightheaded in the next several hours or so don’t hesitate to ring me up. (Produces his business card) Keep that handy.

Wow! I feel so honored. (Playfully pushes Patrick’s shoulder)

You guys have time for a little catch-up session?

Sure, Patrick. Is it your break?

Working a shift that takes me into the overnight hours, so yes... I need a meal in me. Come... I know you've eaten, but you need to see the hospital cafeteria.

Lead the way. I’m glad we ate.

I’m going to take my leave and let you guys get caught up. Patrick, good to see you again.

Always a pleasure, Jack. You sure you don’t want to stay?

I’ve had my catch-up time. Now it’s your turn. In the meantime, I think a clothes pin will take care of the stench in my nostrils known as George Cleypool.

Everyone laughs as Jack bids adieu and heads to the elevator. The Lucases and Patrick head down the hall to the accompaniment of light music.

DISSOLVE TO -- Grant’s Preserve

It is a quiet night out in the Grant’s Preserve subdivision as Rose is sitting outside on the back porch of her home, overlooking the family‘s spacious backyard. Giovanni arrives home and a door slams.

Rose... Rose, honey... where is my bella?

Out here, dear. Enjoying a nice evening, or what's left of it.

Ah, I see. (Appears in doorway) There she is.

Giovanni comes over and takes Rose by the shoulders, planting a long kiss on his wife. It is clear Viagra’s not needed here with this couple’s robust marriage.

You look as good as you did the day we met.

Yes. I recall I was slaving over a hot stove at the college cafeteria wearing just jeans and a T-shirt?

Oh, you know better than that. (Sits down) You were working at the pizza parlor just off campus. I came in and ordered a pizza with anchovies, mushrooms and sausage... And you were there with your long, dark hair tied back…

So all these years I thought it was me, and it was the pizza. All these years I thought you couldn't resist me.

You too. (Kisses Rose) You looked so attractive with pizza sauce on the apron.

And all these years later, here you are.

Giovanni looks around the house. Obviously only one of the three Petterino children are in Somerset, but he can’t believe the stillness.

It's a little quiet here tonight. Where's Victoria?

I sort of encouraged her to take a pint of ice cream over to Alana's apartment.

Giovanni gives Rose a cockeyed look, as if he senses she’s trying to keep an eye on Alana.

Rose Giulia Albertson Petterino…

Wow! I’m impressed. You haven’t called me that in months. You usually say that when you think I’m up to something.

I am. Are you trying to bribe the head nurse at Somerset Hospital to pass Victoria?

Why, absolutely not. Alana's just talked lately about feeling a little lonely. She works long hours at the hospital and then she goes home for a bite to eat, a bed to sleep in and then she’s back at it the next day.

And this is your hint she should get out more? She’ll adjust. She should think about getting a cat... a dog... a companion to keep her company...

Well, she DID have someone in her life, but it didn't quite work out.

I didn't say the companion had to be a male human being.

Oh, I know. Alana can take care of herself, anyway. She's working all those hours at Somerset Hospital and Victoria really looks up to her. Besides, once Tori's up to speed, Alana's mentioned something about giving her more hours and taking some time to do other projects...

I know. Does she still harbor dreams of being Dr. Alana Singleton?

No, she likes her nursing job. Now Tori... I think she could be a doctor in an instant.

Try again, honey. It takes how long to become a doctor?

Rose nuzzles and kisses Giovanni.

Oh, you know what I meant...

The two turn and look at the sky as light music plays and the picture fades to black.

[i]We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.[/i]


(We see “The Market” title card)

And you thought life at your neighborhood supermarket revolved around self-checkouts and how to stock the deli. You’re wrong. The Market. A completely different type of market than just groceries. Part of the Daytime Royalty lineup, weekdays.

(We see “Somerset” title card and hear a soft version of the theme)


And now, following station identification, we’ll return with the second half of Somerset. This portion of today’s program is brought to you by the moist, delicious desserts of Duncan Hines.[/i]



FADE IN -- Somerset Hospital

In the cafeteria at Somerset Hospital, Lahoma, Sam, Susannah and Patrick are around a table. Jack already has bid his friends goodbye for the night and returned to the condo.

God, Patrick. I couldn't believe how that man acted.

Patrick sips from a cup of coffee and shakes his head.

George Cleypool, head of the Cleybank Corporation. He does a lot with the hospital, but he's got an awful bark. You didn't hear it from me, but I think he and his wife are estranged and that might be why he's acting like a...


Good one, Dad. So how are your mom and dad, Patrick?

I just talked with Dad a few days ago. He and Mom are enjoying semi-retirement in Arizona. He's still at it, though.

Not surprising. Stanley was always a good doctor here in Somerset, and I was surprised to hear he married Teri. That happened after we left Somerset, right?

They wed here in Somerset. Her father had a stroke out in Arizona, and they both left Somerset to take care of him. When they were out there Mom found out she was pregnant.

That must have been hell. She was over 40 when I knew her.

My mother was 44 when she had me. That was what was so shocking about it. They had me, and I must have been such a handful they stopped.

I can understand that.

Hey, you already wanted my lab coat. You're pushing for the shirt, aren't you?

Excuse me?

Patrick catches himself while Susannah blushes a bit.

Doctors' humor. Your daughter's always had the gift for the zinger where I'm concerned.

Not really. It's just good to see a familiar face. It'll make the transition to Somerset less daunting.

If that's the case (raises coffee cup) then I'll be glad to be of assistance.

Worth a toast to me!

The four raise their cups of coffee as light music plays into the commercial. The picture fades to black.

[i]We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.



FADE IN -- Petterino residence

Giovanni and Rose have gone by the staircase area, where the two are holding each other.

You know, Tori still isn't back yet. You feel like being back in our twenties and fooling around a bit?

Just a bit? I was thinking…

Giovanni leans in and kisses Rose over and over before whispering something inaudible in her ear. The sound of it makes Rose look shocked.

My, Giovanni, are you a naughty boy tonight. Come on up before I change my mind.

The camera dissolves to Rose kissing Giovanni as she unbuttons his shirt, and Giovanni is quick to strip Rose of the shirt she is wearing. It is obvious the couple has a healthy life outside the restaurant, which is a good thing.

Amorous music is playing, but we leave the scene before it gets too hot and heavy. The picture dissolves.

DISSOLVE TO -- Somerset Hospital

In Zachary’s hospital room, he is being held overnight for observation. George is by his son's side.

Dad, I’m the one that made the mistake. I may have been in the other car's way.

You weren't over the limit, were you?

Two scotches after dinner? Hardly. I was heading into town to meet some friends for beers and I never got there. If I didn't feel like driving back, I'd have stayed with a friend or had someone drive me back.

Well, Fenwick could have gotten you...

Dad, Fenwick had already retired to his quarters for the night. I can take care of myself.

Humor me, okay? I almost lost you tonight. On top of getting divorce papers from Wendy.

Zachary gets an incredible look on his face.

Well, the papers were the worst part of your night. It was only a small cycle accident. It wasn't like I crashed into a car and rolled over its roof. Dad... I know you're worried about losing me from the house too, but I'm not going anywhere.

Well, good thing. I need a partner in crime to assist me in my latest quest.

Which is what?

We hear sinister music as the camera slowly focuses in on George’s face.

Making sure the one who nearly ran into you pays. Dearly.

Zachary looks at his dad with seriousness as the picture fades to black.


We see the credits of Somerset rolling.

This... was Somerset.

Men’s wear by Nolan and Company. Shoes by J&M of New York.

Stay tuned for Harpers Falls, which follows immediately over most of these same stations.

And join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset.

This program was pre-recorded.  [/i]

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Airdate: July 21, 2008
Written by: Steve Ungrey


FADE IN -- Susannah’s car

The first scene of the day is a direct pickup of Friday's final moments, with Susannah having just swerved the car.

Susie, were you a bit shocked by his job offer?

Not so much shocked as I was flattered, Dad. Jack’s right. I need to…

Susannah’s thought is interrupted as we see a brief flash of headlights.

Susie, look out!

Susannah swerves the car just in time to avoid a head-on crash. She pulls over and stops the car.

Lahoma recovers in her seat, a little worse for the wear but otherwise all right.

How much wine did you have with dinner, dear?

Mom? You’re not implying I’m drunk, are you?

Ladies, ladies! Wait a minute. Susie, you’re OK?

I certainly didn’t have enough liquor to impair my driving. I'll get out and see what happened, if anything.

Susannah gets out of the car. She looks around and then she looks back several yards. What she sees horrifies her.

My God…

There is a body lying in the street face down, next to a motorcycle that is still running and intact.

She turns the body over... and we see it is Zachary. Susannah momentarily freaks before regaining some composure.

Oh my God… what have I done?

Sam bends down by Susannah as he checks out Zachary.

Susie, is he okay?

(Checking for pulse once again) Yes, as far as I know. He’s unconscious, but he’s stirring around a bit.

Zachary regains consciousness and starts to move his head and look around.

Wha… whaaa… what happened? Where am I?

Don’t move. You don’t know if you're hurt or not.

Relax. I feel all right. I’m just sorry I almost crossed your path.

We see blue and red lights illuminating their faces.

Oh, boy, it looks like we’ve got company.

Ominous music plays as Susannah looks up and back at Zachary, who is conscious but still a bit dazed. The picture fades to black.

We see an overhead shot of downtown as the camera is pulling away. The Somerset logo pops into position and goes toward the center of the screen as the familiar theme plays.

This… is Somerset.

This portion brought to you today by Crest. The only toothpaste with the seal of the American Dental Association. You can’t beat Crest for fighting cavities.



FADE IN -- Jack’s condominium

For the first time, we see a more sweeping view of Jack’s condominium, which is located on the 24th floor of the Mutual Building and offers a grand, sweeping panorama of downtown Somerset from his patio.

His view of the town is spectacular, much like the vision he has for the community. He's looking down at the same building we saw on Friday and remembering the same piece of Glenn Miller music. His “Moonlight Serenade” is accompanied by a sip of scotch, but he’s momentarily startled by a knock on the door.

Jack leaves the patio and crosses the living room as the door knocks again.

Coming. (Hears another knock) Oh, hold your horses, whoever you are.

Jack opens the door to see Nick standing there.

Evening, Jack. Too late for a nightcap?

Well, Nicholas! Come on in. No, it’s not too late at all, I was just having one myself. I was just out entertaining my newest -- well, hopefully newest -- associate.

Someone finally answered your want ad after all these months, huh?

After doing everything but begging, pleading, cajoling and handing over half my company to this person... no, no, on a more serious note, I hope that she will come aboard. I need some help in the legal relations department.

Ah, hiring an attorney, it sounds like?

Yes. And someone to help with my company acquisitions.

He fixes Nick a Manhattan, which is Nick’s drink of choice, and hands it off to Nick.

Her name is Susannah Lucas. If she sticks around and comes aboard, there’s a good chance you’ll eventually meet her. And hey, she might even be worthy of your time and maybe your arm to walk her around Somerset.

What did I tell you about playing matchmaker, Jack Martin?

Just that you have to climb back on the horse eventually, even if the last bucking bronco left you with a shattered hip and broken bones and stuff. By the way, what brings you around these parts for a nightcap?

I was just headed home myself. Thought I'd stop by to see if you were around.

Well, good! Join me on the patio, my friend.

The two walk towards the patio with glasses in hand.

It’s actually a nice night out for the middle of summer.

I can’t complain. Central Illinois is always nice this time of year.

Are you looking forward to Thursday?

Nick’s mood instantly deteriorates at thinking of the trip he is taking.

The convention. (Raises one finger and circles it around) Yippee. Whoo-hoo.

Jack feigns mock indignation.

Nicholas Barclay, this is how you're going to make yourself known outside of Somerset. You've got a bright future ahead of you. It's called mingling. Mixing. Networking.

For that U.S. Senate job that may never come open?

You don’t know unless you try.

Well, Mike Wagner has said to me that his sources think I’d make a good political candidate. I could see myself making like Robert Redford.

Nick changes the subject.

Speaking of... I hear you talked to Mike earlier today about Project X?

That’s not what it’s called.

All right, then stop me if I’m warm. The Manhattan Project? Operation Bulldozer? Wrecking Ball Blues?

Now you’re being sarcastic.

Well, what do you want me to do? Swallow a cyanide capsule and don't tell a soul what I know?

That would be very bad for your career prospects, my friend.

It beats being in limbo.

Now come on. Will you just relax? I'll let you know in due time. Mike doesn't know anything yet either.

Well, let me make another mean Manhattan and I'll hear you out.

As Jack and Nick head back to the wet bar, light music plays and we change scenes.

DISSOLVE TO -- Somerset Hospital

Susannah is on an exam table lying down, waiting to be seen by a doctor in the emergency room. She’s growing a little impatient that no one is around.

What the heck do you have to do to see a doctor around here? If this is how HMO's are going to be...

Relax, would you? Nothing's going to happen. But honey, I have to ask something. Why were you so quick to have the officer administer a Breathalyzer on you?

It's called being smart, Lahoma. She blew a .04. She’s had a few drinks, but that’s not even close to intoxicated levels. She had three glasses of wine. By offering to take the breath test now it completely cancels the case the motorcyclist might have against Susie.

(Turns with surprise)
Since when do you monitor your daughter's drinking habits?

Lahoma, we all had three glasses! Jack brought a second bottle of wine out for us, but we all had so much food that it muted the effects of the alcohol somewhat.

A doctor enters the room to check Susannah, but his face is buried behind a clipboard.

And is this the patient I’m supposed to examine?

Look around, Doc. Do you see anyone else in here?

Well, well. I see we have a patient here who…

The doctor uncovers his face and Susannah, Lahoma and Sam’s faces all smile at seeing him.

Is all grown up.

Sam shakes his head.

Well, I’ll be damned. How many doctors are there in Somerset Hospital and she draws you?

Not just any doctor. (He smiles and shows off his name tag) Patrick Kurtz at your service.

Susannah smiles at Patrick as light music plays and the picture fades to black.

We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.


(We see “My So Called Life” title card)

Kyle experiences a memorable session with Dr. Grandon on the latest episode of My So Called Life; Return to Three Rivers. Part of the Daytime Royalty lineup, airing weekdays.

(We see “Somerset” title card and hear a soft version of the theme)

And now, following station identification, we’ll return with the second half of Somerset. This portion of today’s program is brought to you by Pert, the shampoo plus conditioner that gives you bouncing and behaving hair.



FADE IN -- Jack’s condominium

Jack and Nick are on Jack's couch watching a baseball game on TV and enjoying cocktails.

I wish the Yankees would do a little better this year.

Hey, they’re trying. The team that could be one to watch is Boston. Would you root for them in a World Series once again?

(With a bad accent) I could sip a little chowdah in Havahd Yard. Then again, where I'm at I better root for the Cubs or White Sox.

Jack nearly spits out his drink laughing.

A Boston-ite you are not. Leave the accent to the Kennedys. Hey, maybe you could see Washington’s team when you’re there later this week.

Wish I could, but they’re playing the Marlins in Florida. Maybe I’ll head someplace and watch it if I need to clear my head.

Do that. All work and no play makes Nick a dull politician.

(Sips drink)
I think I’m already there.

Well, don’t worry about it. Single or not, you’ll be busy real soon. I'm about ready to unveil some details of my project. I don't want too many people aware of what's going on, though. Don't want the enemy camps to get any ideas.

I know. Can't let Cleybank Corporation get the upper hand, right?

Not just George. There are a few others in Somerset who would like nothing more than to capture my ideas and make them my own.

He takes a drink from his glass and changes his demeanor, eyes steeled with determination.

And I, for one, won't stand for it.

Well, neither will I.

Jack’s phone rings once again.

Hold that thought. (Picks up phone) Hello?

Jack’s mouth drops open. Nick turns around and instantly suspects something is wrong.

Holy… are you guys okay? (Pauses) No, I’ll be right down, the hospital’s not far from me. Thanks for letting me know.

Jack puts down the phone and runs to grab his jacket.

(Rises from couch)
Hold that thought until later?

Yes. My dinner guests from this evening were involved in a minor accident on the way back. I want to go down and make sure they're all right.

Go. Get outta here. I'll head home and get a good night's sleep. We'll talk later.

Nicholas, pleasure as always. Thanks for understanding.

The two leave Jack’s condominium and head for the elevator as music plays underneath the scene.

DISSOLVE TO -- Somerset Hospital

Sam, Lahoma and Susannah are startled to see it is Patrick Kurtz who has come to examine Susannah. Patrick, the son of Stanley and Teri Kurtz, has been a doctor at Somerset Hospital for the last decade ever since he came back to town, just like Susannah did.

Patrick gets hugs from Lahoma and Sam and a hug and kiss from Susannah before he settles down to business.

So I’m in my office and imagine the shock I get when Taylor tells me who was just brought in here.

I’m fine. I swear everything’s all right.

Relax. Your prelim tests check out just fine. You didn’t hit anything. It’s Zachary that’s in rougher shape.

Patrick, how bad is he?

Oh, relax. It’s not too bad. He took a pretty bad spill on the pavement when he swerved to avoid you guys, but he’s going to pull through just fine.

What a relief that is. I couldn’t imagine how I’d feel if something worse happened.

Patrick gets a sheepish look on his face.

This is the part of the job where I have to tell Mommy and Daddy to leave the room for a bit. I want to look at Susannah.

How much of a look do you want?

(Her head rises from the table)

Methinks the wine has gotten to Lahoma. We’ll be outside.

It’s nothing major. In fact, Susie, you can sit up.

Finally! Thank you.

Sam and Lahoma leave the room while Susannah sits up on the gurney, with light music taking us into the break. The picture fades to black.

We’ll return to Somerset in just a moment.



FADE IN -- Somerset Hospital

We pick up with Susannah and Patrick alone in the ER.

Obviously I’d hoped to surprise you under better circumstances than this.

Hey, just be lucky you ended up with my bedside manner. Now then...

Patrick produces a stethoscope.

Are you always this forthright with your patients?

Hardly. In fact, I won’t ask you to strip. Just the top button will do.

Well, all right. If you insist.

Susannah undoes the top button on her dress, enabling Patrick to briefly get a listen to Susannah’s heart at the same time he’s taking her blood pressure.

You happy to see me?

Why would you say that?

Because it‘s beating a little fast. Did you know that?

Relax, Dr. McDreamy. It’s not you. It’s a combination of several glasses of wine, almost being in a car crash, wondering how he was doing…

Susannah’s face relaxes and then she smiles.

But yes, part of me is glad to see you.

Well, good. Everything else is checking out fine. You're alive... You're good to go.

(Buttons her dress once again) I am?

Yes. Did you want to stay here? You're not dizzy... no headache... pulse is normal... I'd say everything' s good. But if you feel anything out of the ordinary, don’t hesitate to come back here.

All right. Now when do I see you out of the white coat?

(His face snaps up from the clipboard)
I beg your pardon?

Hey, you asked me to undo one button. I think I should have the coat.

Can you spare me my shirt underneath? If you guys can stick around a bit I have a break for food coming and I'd love to see why you guys are in Somerset.

I think I can spare your shirt, although as I recall from our teen years you look pretty good without one…

Patrick’s face is getting a little flushed.

Now who’s hot and bothered? (Laughing) Well, I'm here to stay. It's Mom and Dad who are leaving tomorrow.

(Nods head) I'm impressed. I'll sign off on your chart.

Good deal.

Susannah hears commotion from the hallway. She quickly gathers her purse and leaves the room, only to see Sam and Lahoma engaged in a spirited conversation with another man.

The man, who turns out to be George Cleypool, turns around, veins ready to pop out of his neck. He takes his wrath out on Susannah.

Are you the irresponsible fool who nearly killed my son?

Susannah is shocked, while Sam and Lahoma have frustrated looks on their faces, as the picture fades to black.


The Somerset theme is playing over the closing credits.

This... was Somerset.

Women’s dresses by Betsy Johnson. Purses by Coach.

Stay tuned for Harpers Falls, which follows immediately on most of these same stations.

And join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. This program was pre-recorded.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Written by: Steve Ungrey


FADE IN -- Cleypool Mansion

Evening has fallen on Somerset as we pick up the episode at the same time Thursday’s left off.

Zachary and George are in the living room enjoying an after-dinner drink. Zachary reaches for the bottle of scotch, surprising his father.

Son, I didn’t know you were into scotch.

Zachary raises his glass and smiles.

There's a lot you don't know about me. I enjoy a fine scotch... a cigar now and then...

There’s my boy, the spitting image! (Downs his scotch) Bottoms up, as they say. Thanks for sticking around and keeping your dad company through these last months. You didn't have to do that.

No problem, Dad. There were times, however, when I almost felt like I took sides.

No one took sides.

George rises from his seat to refill his drink. He’s looking away, soap-style, and he shakes his head.

Wendy and I just wanted to take a break from each other.

You refer to Mom like she's just someone you tossed aside at the curb.

George is slightly miffed at this remark and he whirls around to face Zachary.

Now how can you say that, son? I did no such thing. Your mom was the one who left. And she took Emily with her.

Dad, Emily didn’t leave because of what was going on. She got that PR job in New York and wanted to experience life in the big city.

Mmm, yes. New York, New York. The biggest city in this country. Compared to New York, Somerset is a little stepchild.

And how big is Somerset right about now? It’s grown a lot, hasn’t it? We’re up to 150,000 and climbing every day. Besides, Emily could have gone to Chicago. It's only about an hour and a half east.

I guess you’re right. If you’d seen this town 30 years ago, you’d have run screaming back to New York.

I understand. Dad… if things are meant to work out in the end, they will. Both with Mom and with Emily.

One can only hope.

Zachary checks his watch and realizes he’s lost track of time.

Geez, I promised a few friends I’d meet them in town. Better haul out the motorcycle.

Any idea when you’ll be back?

At that point, George catches himself.

Sorry, I realize you’re a grown man.

I’ll let it slip. This time.

Zachary laughs as he walks out of the room. George chuckles to himself too, as light music carries us to the fadeout.

We see an overhead shot of downtown as the camera is pulling away. The Somerset logo pops into position and goes toward the center of the screen as the familiar theme plays.

This… is Somerset.

This portion is brought to you today by Jif. The only peanut butter with that fresh, roasted, peanutty taste. Choosy moms choose Jif.[/i]



FADE IN -- Giovanni’s

We see Giovanni’s exterior once again, as the camera advances toward the restaurant and we fade inside the building. There, Jack, Sam, Lahoma and Susannah are going over the latest in Somerset and his master plan.

Now, understand something. I don’t want to reveal too much now. But if I have my way, Somerset's going to have a big urban renewal coming. No building will be safe... well, except a lot of the old construction.

You want to revive downtown Somerset?

Jack, this sounds like a big thing to do on your own. Do you have the financing for it?

Hopefully I can get it once economic conditions start to improve.

So you admit you’re not quite ready to get this started.

Jack sips from his wine glass and shakes his head.

No, not quite. I do have plenty of money I can throw behind the project. Now mind you, I’m not a billionaire by any means…

But you are worth about what… $200 million right now?

Well, try again. When NutraSource approached me to buy Delaney Brands all those years ago, they wanted to pay me $425 million for the company. But I wanted to preserve the land under the plant.

Preserve. I get it. Is this how Grant’s Preserve came into being?

They lowered the offering price to $350 million because I wanted to keep the land. I sold it, and then I paid the price for it many months later.

Was that when Delaney Brands left town?

NutraSource essentially folded Delaney’s products into their own product line, closed the plant here and took all the jobs with it. They imploded the factory and the executive offices a couple years later. It was one of the darkest days of my life.

But how could you have known they would do that?

Robert told me not to sweat it. He said the economy was going to the point where any company would have done the same thing NutraSource did.

It’s nice that you had someone watching your back to help out.

Most everyone in Somerset was sympathetic to me. This town used to have a lot more manufacturing than it did. Then plants closed. Jobs were lost. Most of those jobs came back in other sectors, but for a few years Somerset was not a pleasant place to be.

So you came through it all right.

The last I checked my net worth, it was over $500 million.

Susannah nearly spits out her wine that she’s drinking.

I’ve never known someone with that much money in my lifetime. Now Dad’s doing pretty well, but…

Susie, honey, I’d have to work a thousand lifetimes to approach Jack.

But the thing Susannah will see… and I hope you have… is I don’t treat my money as if it’s my own. The project in question is going to transform Somerset.

More than it’s already been transformed? We nearly died when we saw the skyline. It looks so much different than it did back when we lived here.

So hopefully you’ve got a plan in place to transform it even further, Jack.

Jack takes a drink of wine and then looks toward Susannah.

Yes. And I want Susannah to help me.

Susannah appears momentarily stunned at Jack’s proposal. A bit of stinger music plays on piano as the picture fades to black.

[i]We’ll return to Somerset in just a moment.[/i]


(We see “At End of Day” title card)

Four families in Glenview, Illinois experiences the trials and tribulations of everyday life in Daytime Royalty’s drama At End of Day. Part of the DRtv lineup, weekdays.

(We see “Somerset” title card and hear a soft version of the theme)

And now, following station identification, we’ll return with the second half of Somerset. This portion of today’s program is brought to you by White Cloud, the toilet tissue that gives you more sheets for less money.[/i]



FADE IN -- Giovanni’s

The scene is a direct pickup from the second scene, as Susannah is momentarily taken aback by Jack's proposal. She points to herself.

Me? What did I do to deserve this?

Susannah, Sam said you wanted to go into private practice. You're going to need something to keep you occupied while you hang your shingle. Do you have office space yet downtown?

Well, I do have an option to lease an office in the Wentworth Building.

Okay. You're going to need something to keep the money coming in for the short term. I'm looking for people to join my legal staff at Martin Enterprises. You help me, I help you. I will set you up with an office inside my office space, and you can eventually seek clients or accept new cases when you’re not dealing with Martin business.

But Jack, Susannah wants to make it on her...

Susannah quickly hushes Lahoma, as she realizes Jack wants to put her on a sort of retainer while she works for Martin.

Mom, hush. Yes, I do want to make it on my own, but Jack's right. People here don't know me yet. Only one person remotely knows who I am, and I haven't had a chance to drop by the hospital yet to say hi.

Oh, that’s right. Patrick Kurtz doesn’t know you’re in town.

You know Patrick, Susannah?

Yes. They’ve kept in touch over the years and enjoyed a few dates here and there when we’ve been in the same town, but it’s been more off than on.

And there goes the social butterfly, hoping to have our daughter married by the age of 40.

All the while Susannah is looking a little embarrassed, but Jack understands.

Well, it’s a big city. But it’s small enough so that you’ll run into each other soon. Listen, you don't have to give me an answer right away. Sleep on it, talk it over. Sam, Lahoma, when do you leave?

We leave tomorrow to go back across the country. I'm due back in Oklahoma City middle of next week.

Okay. I'm sorry I have to be secretive about parts of the plan, but I haven't told too many people yet. There will be something in tomorrow's Register, but it's just sketchy details.

All right then! I guess we'll have to be kept in the dark until you're ready to unveil the truth.

It won’t be long, I promise. Now then, shall we enjoy ourselves even further?

Hear, hear. Let’s eat.

The scene transitions as light music plays while the foursome discuss further things that are happening in Somerset.

DISSOLVE TO -- Cleypool Mansion

At the Cleypool mansion, George is smoking his pipe and studying some folders when Fenwick walks in.

George looks up and is surprised to see Fenwick standing there with an envelope in hand.

I thought you'd retired to the east wing for the night, Fenwick.

Well, Master Cleypool, I did.

He produces the envelope for George to take.

But I wanted to wait until Master Zachary was out of earshot to give this to you.

You didn’t have to leave this out, Fenwick. I could have had this with the other mail.

It was special-delivered earlier this afternoon, sir. And if it’s what I think it is, discretion is the better part of valor.

I see. Thank you, Fenwick.

You bet, sir. Good evening. (Turns to leave and looks back) And if you need them sir, the libations are still in the refrigerator.

As George opens the envelope, he sees the label and realizes it is from Wendy. Suffice to say she didn’t send a birthday or a holiday card -- these are legal documents.

I should have known.

George slaps the papers to the floor. He’ll pick them up shortly, but for now he can’t believe it.

As the camera pans down, we can see the documents are divorce papers from Wendy. The picture fades to black.

[i]We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.[/i]



FADE IN -- City street in downtown Somerset, at night

We see what is assumed to be an exterior shot of Somerset, as Jack is walking along on a downtown street to head back to his condo. As he walks, he stops to look off in the distance. He is looking at the same area that he saw from his office in Monday’s premiere episode.

Look at you, my old friend. Look… at what you've become.

We can see he is not talking about himself. Instead he is staring at a building, which appears to have survived the test of time but is still a bit worn with age.

We can hear “Moonlight Serenade” one more time. Jack closes his eyes and smiles, as if he’s being taken off to an old familiar place, but he returns to the present just as quickly.

Just wait, old friend. It’s you. You’re at the center of this.

We continue to hear “Moonlight Serenade” as the scene changes and Jack walks away.

CUT TO -- Susannah’s car

Susannah, Sam and Lahoma are in Susannah’s car going back to Grant’s Preserve.

I have never been so stuffed in my life.

Well, Jack certainly knows fine food. You'll have to go there every so often to keep us updated on Giovanni’s recipes.

That shouldn’t be a problem. Giovanni told me he lives a few streets away.

Well, what do you know? Maybe you’ve already made some friends here in Somerset!

Susie, were you a bit shocked by his job offer?

Not so much shocked as I was flattered, Dad. Jack’s right. I need to…

Susannah’s thought is interrupted as we see a brief flash of headlights.

Susie, look out!

Susannah swerves the car just in time to avoid a head-on crash. She pulls over and stops the car.

Lahoma recovers in her seat, a little worse for the wear but otherwise all right.

How much wine did you have with dinner, dear?

Mom? You’re not implying I’m drunk, are you?

Ladies, ladies! Wait a minute. Susie, you’re OK?

I certainly didn’t have enough liquor to impair my driving. I'll get out and see what happened, if anything.

Susannah gets out of the car. She looks around and then she looks back several yards. What she sees horrifies her.

My God…

There is a body lying in the street face down, next to a motorcycle that is still running and intact.

She turns the body over... and we see it is Zachary.

Shocked, Susannah bends down to feel for a pulse, with Sam and Lahoma running up behind her. Dramatic music is playing as the picture immediately cuts to black.


The Somerset theme is playing over the closing credits.

Women’s dresses by Betsy Johnson. Men’s suit jackets by Alfani.

Stay tuned for Harpers Falls, which follows immediately on most of these same stations.

And join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. This program was pre-recorded.

To see more episodes of SOMERSET, visit us at our new website: Soap TV! The best of indie soaps and fiction, all at a new location.