Sunday, December 22, 2013


DRTV airdate: August 1, 2008
Written by: Steve Ungrey


FADE IN -- Cleypool Mansion

The imposing Cleypool mansion, which is perched on a hill overlooking Somerset, is shown from a distance as the camera pans in.

The scene dissolves to an indoor setting… we see George sitting at his study table taking a look at some financial statements when Zachary comes in wearing a walking boot on his left foot.

Dad? Hey, I’m back from the hospital.

George looks up and then looks down at Zachary’s foot.

What the hell did they do to you… wrap your ankle in thousands of pieces of bandage? They might as well audition you for The Mummy.

No, Dad, it’s called a walking boot. Dr. Kurtz and another doctor checked me out and then when I was done at the hospital Dr. Nelson stopped me and thought this might make me feel comfortable.

And how will this help you?

It’ll help me get around. The doctors told me I wrecked my ankle worse than I thought in the motorcycle accident, and this is the best way I can get around for a while.

Well… at least you’re in one piece. It beats the alternative by a million miles.

Well, it’s going to involve weekly therapy sessions. Do you think you can get along without me here at the house for that long?

George looks up from his paperwork with a “you know better” face.

You know better than to ask that question.

I know. I was just testing. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.

Zachary turns to slowly head up the staircase to his room.

George shakes his head, wondering how he raised such a mischievous son. He’s turned back to his paperwork when Fenwick walks in, holding a package.

Master Cleypool, you have a delivery.

George smiles when he sees the box. He looks inside at the package.

Oh, good! This is just what I was waiting for to arrive today.

What good would a newspaper be to you?

George looks at the package, but when he hears that from Fenwick his voice rises a bit and his face shoots up to look at Fenwick.

Did you look inside this box?

Absolutely not, sir. I don’t snoop around in what you’re doing.

Fenwick shows George the sides of the box, which are a bit transparent.

And besides, Master Cleypool, any old oaf can see that’s a newspaper in the package.

George realizes the paper shows through.

Uh… right. Okay, Fenwick. Thank you as always.

No problem, sir.

Fenwick turns and leaves the room as George opens the package.

We see inside there is a newspaper. It is not a copy of The Somerset Register. Instead, it is an edition of The Kansas City Star whose date we cannot see.

Beautiful. This is just the ammunition I need.

Sinister music plays as the picture fades to black.

The theme begins as we see an overhead shot of downtown as the camera is pulling away. The Somerset logo pops into position and goes toward the center of the screen.

This… is Somerset.

This portion brought to you today by Sunshine Fresh Gain, the laundry detergent that helps to best clean your clothes at a lower price than other leading detergents.



FADE IN -- Giovanni’s

Although Rose and Giovanni have gone home for the evening, the action is heating up around the bar area and at some of the tables.

Victoria and Taylor come in and grab one of the booths surrounding the bar. The two are headed for a girls night out after work.

This was a great idea you had.

Hey, don’t expect any special treatment other than the drink specials. Mom and Dad could really get in trouble if they comped everything.

Your parents are by the book, aren’t they?

(Smiles) You know, Zachary asked me that same question this afternoon. I told him that Mom and Dad wanted to see me succeed. They cared about my performance in high school… I always got good grades…

And they cared that you came out on the right side of the law, right?

They never once thought I’d stray. The worst thing I ever did was briefly smoke when I was in high school. I did it for a bit, and I hated it.

Well then, WHY did you do it?

Is this an anti-smoking commercial coming on? (Laughs) No, I’ve been pretty much the good girl all my life. If I hadn’t been, my Catholic school teachers would have killed me.

Well, you’ll be fine. (Pauses) What do you have to do to get a drink around here?

Signal Charlie, that’s what.

She signals Charlie at the bar, and a waitress is sent over to the table.

You’re good. (Laughs)

Helps to know the help. Let’s get a drink before the other nurses get here.

As the waitress comes over to take Taylor and Victoria’s order, the music plays and the scene changes.

DISSOLVE TO -- Petterino house

Rose and Giovanni are at home quietly spending some time alone after a day at the restaurant. Giovanni and Rose have a bottle of zinfandel opened up and are sharing the contents.

You know, I’m glad we have a capable night staff that can step in and manage the place if we decide to have a night at home.

Rose smiles, looking around.

You bet. And the house is all to ourselves. Tori told me she was headed out with Taylor this evening and a couple other nurses might join them.

Rose moves in closer.

And Tori said she might crash at Taylor’s if she’s had too much to drink.

Giovanni gets the hint and he snuggles in closer to Rose.

Did I ever tell you that you’re as delectable as the moment I laid eyes on you in college?

All the time. But do it again.


He leans in to kiss Rose and soon their passion has them heading up the staircase with the bottle of wine. The music rises in volume and the picture fades to black.

We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.


(We see “AMC: New Beginnings” title card)

Congratulations to AMC: New Beginnings for its five DRtv awards earned last week. Check out why this show merited all that attention. AMC: New Beginnings. Weekdays.

(We see “Somerset” title card and hear a soft version of the theme)

In just a moment, we'll return with the second part of Somerset. Presented today by fresher than ever Lemon Fresh Joy. For a beautiful shine that’s a nice reflection on you.

We'll continue with Somerset following station identification.



FADE IN -- Somerset Register

We fade in on the Register offices, where Mike is busy working on his latest masterpiece… only he doesn’t think it’s one.

His editor, Norman Vickery, is there, and Norman senses Mike’s displeasure.

(Checking in at Mike’s cubicle)
How’s the city commission story coming?

Good. But it’s not going to be an award-winning story, if that’s what you’re wondering.

No one expects it to be.

Good, because it’s done.

Mike pushes a button on keyboard to send the story over to editing.

Take a look at it and see what you think.

Norman sits down, taps a few keys to enter the editing system, and looks over the copy.

Fair enough. (Peruses screen) This isn’t bad, Mike. Granted, it’s city commission votes…

How the heck did reporters like Steve Slade investigate the mob in this town and I end up with the city commission?

You know the answer to that, Mike. Somerset isn’t the town it was 30-some years ago, and be grateful for that.

Oh, I know. I’m just waiting for a big story to come along. Any story that I can sink my teeth into and give it a good ride. I wish Jack Martin would hurry up with details of his proposed Project X.

Norman looks a bit surprised.

And what makes you think Jack will be your savior?

Well, he has the backing of a lot of people in this town… well, with the exception of one, and even he’s not as big a problem as he could be.

(Laughs) Just wait, Mike. Eventually you’ll get your front-page scoop and a trip to New York to work your dream job.

Norman stands up and walks away.

Now get outta here and go have a beer to cool off.

Sounds like a great idea.

Mike shuts off his computer and settles back into the cubicle.

And it can’t happen soon enough.

Light music plays as we change scenes.

DISSOLVE TO -- Bernard’s

Giovanni’s is hopping as is Bernard’s, as the Somerset restaurant district is busy. Scott is in the bar area nursing a a beer and talking with Bernard about the goings-on in Somerset.

Ahh, just what I need after a day behind a desk reading police reports.

There’s more where that came from, you know that.

Oh, keep the tap flowing. (Pauses) You been having any problems with the graffiti-mongers out there, Bernard?

I saw Mike’s story on the waterfront activity, but I think I’m too far back from the river. For the most part they leave me alone. They know that this restaurant draws a good crowd and they stay away.

I wish that we didn’t have this problem here. If we didn’t, then my track record as lieutenant would be spotless.

Bernard recalls the old days.

You know it beats the old days. I used to work at the Hayloft and Bill Greeley would tell me all sorts of stories. Hell, I saw the stuff firsthand. When you’re dealing with kids spraying paint cans on walls, then the crime rate isn’t that bad here.

I hear you.

He finishes his beer and gets up from the bar area.

Actually, I changed my mind. I’m going to head home and enjoy the rest of my night. You have a good evening, my friend. Are you out of here yet?

Naaa, I’m here a little while longer. I’ll keep your seat warm if you choose to come back.

I think I’ll go home, read the Register and count my blessings. (Waves goodbye as he leaves) So long.

Take care, my friend.

Scott heads outside the restaurant. He is headed across the street to a parking lot when he notices a car coming awfully fast down the street.

The car is a red convertible, and it slows down as it approaches the intersection. The light turns green, so the car speeds up once again past 40 in what is easily a 20 zone.

What the hell?

He goes out to his dashboard to pull out the radio. Pressing down on the button, he begins to speak.

All units on duty, be on the lookout for a red convertible that may be speeding toward you. Couldn’t get the license plate, but the car looks like it’s going about 20 or 25 over the limit.

The music builds and the picture fades to black.

We’ll return to Somerset in just a moment.



CUT TO -- Giovanni’s

Mike comes into the restaurant and sits at the bar, ordering a beer. From their table, Victoria and Taylor notice Mike and Victoria strikes up a conversation.

I thought I’d see you here with Alana, Mike.

Mike turns and smiles.

Nope, not tonight. I’m nursing a brew myself.

Mike notices Joanne coming in.

Then again, maybe not. (Stands up and hugs Joanne) Hey there, back for another go-round?

It was a long day at the office. Got time?

I’m all ears.

Victoria has fun watching Mike and Joanne talking… but then she turns to look at Taylor, whose demeanor has suddenly turned a bit sullen.

Oh oh. Why do I not want to light a match in this room?

Relax, Tori. Once the other nurses get here, we’ll dissolve into our own conversation.

Taylor looks over at the bar.

And she’ll be far, far away from here.

Taylor takes a drink from her martini glass as Victoria takes in the situation. The music becomes a bit lighter as we change scenes.

DISSOLVE TO -- Petterino house

In the Petterino house, Giovanni and Rose are upstairs basking in the afterglow after a round of lovemaking. The two are in bed, snuggled against each other.

I always can tell when you love not having the kids around. You turn into the lothario you always were when we were younger.

Hey… is it my fault I have the libido like a bodybuilder? It’s us passionate Italians, you know. Viagra’s not needed around this house.

And I am so glad we came home early tonight. It’s a great feeling to…

We hear a rattling noise downstairs. The music instantly turns from light romantic to a sinister piano.

(Sitting up bolt upright in bed)
What the hell?

Hey, don’t worry about it. The security alarm didn’t go off, so everything’s probably all right. It‘s so quiet in here sometimes we can hear rattling.

The security alarm suddenly sounds, and now Giovanni is a little concerned.

Forget everything I just said. I’ll go check it out.

Hurry back. (Scared tone of voice) And be careful.

Giovanni puts a pair of pants on and takes a baseball bat downstairs with him, a bat that he uses in just such an emergency.

He heads downstairs, where he sees a shadowy figure trying to mess with the security system. It’s hard to make out the figure and whether that person is there to rob the house.

Hands up, you… (He raises the bat over his head)

The lights instantly come on, and Giovanni’s face drops.

Oh my…

ABRUPT CUT TO -- Bernard’s

Bernard is serving a customer when Nick walks in.

Hey, Nick. Welcome in tonight. What will you have?

Nick looks a little lost, but he knows his drink.

Make a mean Manhattan. I sure could use one.

Coming right up.

We see the camera from Nick’s point of view, staring ahead at the wall.

The camera switches back to a shot of Nick at the bar.

Kinda slow around here tonight.

It’s picked up in the last couple hours.

Nick takes his Manhattan, but as he’s about to drink he hears a familiar voice.

Hey, hot stuff… you wanna share a vodka with me?

The camera, once again from Nick’s point of view, whirls around. In back of Nick is the mystery woman sitting at a table, wearing a glittery silver cocktail dress.

Oh my God…

It is the same mystery woman he met in Washington. But how did she find him? Could it really be her?

The woman crosses her legs and sips seductively from her glass.

Why don’t you come back and share your Manhattan with me?

There’s no better time than the present, right? I can’t believe you found me, we didn’t even…

Nick jumps off his stool and runs toward the camera with his glass. Before he can get to the woman’s table, however, he hits what appears to be an imaginary wall with a thudding sound.

The picture temporarily blacks out.

CUT TO -- Nick’s bedroom

Nick is in his bed, and he has fallen with a crash to the floor. Before he can get up, the nightstand and the lamp topple over onto his head.

Emerging from under the pile, Nick takes his hand and feels the top of his head before pulling his hand away. On his hand he notices blood.

As the music builds in intensity, Nick quickly fumbles for his cell phone and tries to get up, all the while calling 911. He is halfway up when he feels very dizzy and collapses onto the floor.

Music reaches a crescendo as the picture immediately blacks out.


The Somerset theme plays and credits roll.

This... was Somerset.

Jewelry by Stephen Dweck.
Men’s shirts from Arrow.

Join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. And stay tuned for romance, suspense and drama on Harpers Falls, which follows immediately over many of these same stations.

This program was pre-recorded.

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