Sunday, August 18, 2013


Written by Steve Ungrey
Original Airdate Thursday July 24, 2008


FADE IN -- Washington, D.C.
We see stock footage of the Washington D.C. area, with the accompanying title below that says the city’s name, as the Capitol can be seen in the background and Pennsylvania Avenue in the foreground.

DISSOLVE TO -- A Washington hotel room

Nick is just checking in with people back in Somerset. He flew over early in the morning to check into his hotel and start interacting with people, and he is already finding some possible connections. Still, he can’t shake the fact he finds conventions boring.

After checking his messages at City Hall, Nick dials Jack at Martin Enterprises. Joanne answers on the other end.

Martin Enterprises, this is Joanne?

Hey Jo, Nick Barclay here.

(Smiles as she turns toward her computer screen)
Well, good afternoon, Mr. Barclay. How’s the capital treating you?

Don’t ask. It’s just like I thought it might be. Do you ever get tired of saying Martin Enterprises in your sleep?

It’s just like Pam on The Office. You get used to it.

I bet. Is Jack around?

You’re lucky. He’s been in Johnson City all morning and he just got back an hour or so ago.

Good deal.

I’ll put you through. Hold on a second.

CUT TO -- Jack’s office
We see Jack studying some folders when the phone rings. Picking it up, Jack springs into action.

Yes, Joanne? (Pauses) Ah, the prodigal city manager reports. Put him through.

The line clicks twice before Nick says hello.

And how are you? How’s the Rensslaer Hotel’s accommodations? I trust your suite is pretty good?

Well, you didn’t pay for it. This is strictly out of the City Hall account. I’m allotted an amount of money for seminars and training.

And I can’t add anything to it, I know. I know. How are things?

Well, I just wanted to let you know I'm among the living down here... if the seminars aren't putting me to sleep, that is.

Oh come on. You haven’t been to too many of them, have you?

A couple this afternoon, one in the early evening, and then a few more tomorrow. In the meantime, I’m going to go enjoy myself thoroughly in the interim.

(Sits at his desk with coffee, scanning some sheets)
Well, you left so early today to get down there and I didn't have a chance to say goodbye before you did.

I had to get out of here quickly, so I called a couple chits in with a friend at the airport and he got me a seat on this morning’s puddle jumper to Chicago. I flew to Washington from there.

And got in just in time, I take it?

Yes. And don’t worry about not getting to say goodbye. You’ve had your hands full with your dinner guests and then the stuff in Johnson City this morning. Is everything OK there?

Oh yes, everything is just fine. Sam and Lahoma left earlier today and I still haven't heard if anything went wrong. I did hear Zachary Cleypool is in the hospital, though.

Dear Lord, as a result of the car accident no doubt. George isn’t going to let Susannah and the Lucases forget that.

Well, don’t worry about that. You leave Susannah and George and company to me.

Jack smiles as a little fun, sinister music plays to take us into the opening credits.

The theme begins as we see an overhead shot of downtown as the camera is pulling away. The Somerset logo pops into position and goes toward the center of the screen.

This… is Somerset.

This portion brought to you today by Ivory soap, the soap without a lot of extra ingredients. For a pure and natural kind of clean, lather up with Ivory.



FADE IN -- Jack’s office
We continue the conversation between Jack and Nick about the convention.

You just bring back some knowledge on how to further your political career and we‘ll get along just fine.

Jack, that’s what I don’t understand. We don’t have a mayor here in Somerset. I’m essentially the head honcho. How can the youngest city manager ever in Somerset go even further? It would involve leaving the area.

Nicholas, you could run for anything! Mayor, yes, if they'd decide to create a mayor's position. You could run for state office. You could be a United States Senator.

I can dream about the latter, right?

Illinois has to turn red someday, doesn't it? (Pauses) Now how long do the seminars go today and tomorrow?

There's some stuff tonight and tomorrow. In all seriousness, it's all right, if you call seminars for city managers your cup of tea.

Well, by all means, have fun in Washington and make sure you sample some of the nightlife tonight.

I may sneak out to a bar and grab a drink or dinner. The Nationals are playing Florida tonight, so I might head out and watch the game.

That’s the spirit, my boy. Let me know how things go, OK?

You bet. Take care.

Nick puts down the phone on his end and then rests his head on his hands.

If I don’t die of boredom first.

Light music plays as Nick laughs to himself as he sips coffee.

DISSOLVE TO -- Somerset Hospital

The outside of Somerset Hospital appears, as we fade in on Zachary's room. Patrick, who just got to the hospital to make patient rounds, is examining Zachary's ankle.

Zachary, I didn’t know you wanted to stay here so much. Here you were all set to leave our care, and...

And like an idiot, I stumbled. I think I may have twisted my ankle in the accident…

The tests we ran last night indicated no problems with your ankle. Did you have any other injuries in the last year?

Zachary thinks about it and then it dawns on him.

Dammit… I suffered a foot injury last year when I was playing a pickup game of basketball with some friends and my doctor at the time told me that if I didn’t take it easy with the foot then something could happen.

Well, in your defense, I think you banged your foot against the bed at just the right point. Something inside shattered and now we have to find out just what happened.

Off-camera, a voice can be heard yelling “Where is my son?”

Oh God, the cavalry’s here. Get ready.

Zachary covers his face with his hands, shakes his head and waits as George bursts into Zachary’s room.

What the hell did you do to my son? (He yells at Patrick) You call yourself a DOCTOR?

Mr. Cleypool, need I remind you this is a hospital and there are patients trying to rest?

This is a HOSPITAL? I thought it was the Somerset Country Club, tee time was at 9 and roast quail was being served for dinner. (Sheds the sarcasm) Of course I know this is a hospital, you insufferable…

Do you care to know how your son is or are you more interested in talking about the finer points of how we don’t treat patients well here?

George looks at Zachary’s new injury and back at Patrick, wondering how they could have let this happen.

Well, the last I knew he was supposed to be discharged this morning following the accident.

And I still will be, Dad. Just a bit later on today. They're running a few tests.

Victoria has her nurses’ clipboard as she comes in the room, but she goes to a corner for a second while the drama plays out by Zachary’s bedside. Light music plays as Victoria looks at Zachary and George going at it.

We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.


(We see “On The Road Again” title card)

A rolling stone collects no moss, but what if it travels in a circle and comes to rest where it started? Coming home is never easy after being On The Road Again. Coming weekdays this fall to the Daytime Royalty lineup.

(We see “Somerset” title card and hear a soft version of the theme)

BILL WOLFF: And now, following station identification, we’ll return with the second half of Somerset. This portion is presented by Tide Total Care, the detergent that takes care of your laundry in seven different ways.


FADE IN -- Somerset Hospital
The dramatic conversation continues between Zachary and George

(Looking at Patrick and Victoria)
And then he can go, right? Away from any further poking and prodding...

Dad. I did this on my own. Remember last year when I busted up my foot playing basketball? Remember the doctor said it didn’t quite heal properly? Well, I banged my foot against the bed and it caused the injury to recur.

I should take that motorcycle away from you…

That last line gets Zachary, who has finally had enough.

And what, Dad? Give me back my tricycle? My building blocks? Put me back in kindergarten?? Dad, I’m not two years old again. I’m over 21.

You think I don’t know that? I can't do anything because you're free and over 21 years old.

You keep thinking I'm a child, in other words.

George sees he’s going to get nowhere arguing, so he gives up the ghost.

Well, get the hell out of that bed as soon as you can. I'm just headed upstairs for a board meeting. I’ll be upstairs for a few hours.

Mr. Cleypool, by the time your meeting is over, your son should be ready to go.


George turns and walks out of the room, and Victoria takes a couple steps forward. She’s gulping and swallowing a bit after seeing George in action.

Is your dad always like that?

I'm sorry you had to see that. You actually helped me out this morning when I fell. When you came back in you were actually pretty gentle in getting me back up on my feet.

Hey, it’s all in a day's work. I'll be back in shortly.

Victoria leaves Zachary’s room and heads out to the nurses station. The phone rings just as Victoria reaches the counter.

Timed just perfectly, whoever you are. (Picks up phone) Fourth floor, Nurse Petterino?

As Victoria is on the phone with a caller and writing something down on paper, Alana enters the station and checks her cubicle for messages. Alana sees Mike’s note when she opens it up and laughs to herself.

Victoria finishes up the call.

OK, I'll make sure Dr. Kettering gets this note immediately. Thank you.

Victoria puts down the phone, looks up and smiles as she puts the paper in Dr. Kettering’s cubicle.

Reading your latest love note?

(Shakes her head)
Don't tell me you read this. If you did...

I most certainly did not. If he’s he's whispering sweet nothings to you... (giggles)

Alana whacks Victoria over the head with her cardboard folder.

See if I ever invite you over for mint chocolate chip ice cream again! For your information, Tori, he just wondered if I'd be free for coffee some night this week. And if not, he'd be happy to come to the hospital for coffee in the cafeteria.

Well, isn’t that nice. Sounds like all he wants is to have a little coffee with his favorite nurse.

Personally, if you ask me, I think the man is lovesick.

Well, after some of what you told me last night… I think you might be too.

A bit of surprise music plays as Alana gets an incredulous look on her face. The picture fades to black.

We'll return to Somerset in just a moment.


FADE IN -- Somerset Hospital
The conversation between Victoria and Alana continues.

Alana, did I strike a nerve?

Alana quickly regains her senses and shakes her head.

No, no, you didn't. Is it that obvious? Tori, I can get along just fine without someone in my life. You're doing just fine without one.

Career comes first for me, for now at least. And besides, I didn’t say you had to marry the guy now, did I?

No, you didn't. It just seems like ever since Mike got roughed up a bit when there was that protest demonstration downtown and I checked him out, he's been smitten.

I don’t think he’s smitten, Alana. He just wants to share a cup of joe with his favorite nurse.

I should see if Taylor’s looking for a date. Might you be even interested? (Laughs)

The last I knew, Taylor was working through some stuff… and me, I’m content pouring through books to study. My exam’s coming up in another several weeks, after all.

That it is. All right, I’ll be down the hall checking on some patients.

As Alana takes her clipboards and disappears, Victoria shakes her head and laughs, thinking Alana is obviously missing out on something. Playful music is heard as the scene changes.

DISSOLVE TO -- Martin Enterprises
Joanne is at the desk sorting through some folders to give to Jack. As she stands up at her desk, ready to go inside, the elevator doors open and Susannah steps off.

Susannah! Good to see you again!

Good to see you too, Joanne. I might be seeing more of you if Jack and I have a good enough conversation.

Joanne’s face brightens.

Are you thinking of taking Jack up on his offer?

I just want to talk to him first. Is he available?

One second.

Joanne sits on the edge of the desk, picks up the phone and punches one button.

Jack, Susannah Lucas is here to see you. (Smiles) Thought so. OK.

She puts down the phone and motions with her hand.

Go right on in. He’s happy you’re here. Would you like anything before you settle in to talk to Jack?

Cup of coffee, maybe?

I was just about to get one myself, so I’ll bring two more with a tray.

Thanks. Wish me luck.

Susannah goes toward the door and opens it to find Jack at his desk, deep in paperwork.

Ah, Susannah! Thanks for rescuing me from this mountain of work. Did Lahoma and Sam get off safely this morning? I was over in Johnson City.

Safely off back to Oklahoma City. I got a text message from Dad an hour ago.

Adjusting fine already?

Well, I thought I’d begin my life as a single gal by coming over and safely asking you this one question.

Fire away.

Okay. (Pauses) Did Dad ask you to hire me?

The question catches Jack by surprise as the picture fades to black with accompanying closing music.


The Somerset credits roll.

This... was Somerset.
Mens suits by Brooks Brothers.
Jewelry by Monet.

Please stay tuned for Harpers Falls, which follows immediately over many of these same stations.

And join us each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. The preceding program was recorded.

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